hush-hush, now...
a productive weekend, kinda sorta. friday night, after a nice nap, i finished the turtle top from hollywood knits.

a little warm for new york city right now, but definitely great for layering over a long sleeve t-shirt for ice skating at wollman rink...

a little warm for new york city right now, but definitely great for layering over a long sleeve t-shirt for ice skating at wollman rink...
other than that no major knitting, but i did manage to get over to my mother's place to grab my 6 spools of 3/2 pearl cotton from halcyon yarn!
WOO HOO! hush-hush can now begin! too bad the bridal shower was yesterday. :-P can i just say, halcyon yarns is amazing... this being my first order, i received this huge catalog of yarns and fiber equipment... it's so evil... for my next gift to myself, i'm going to purchase the drop spindle kit so i can learn to spin my own yarn! so excited. or maybe i'll just grab that adorable hello kitty latch hook kit i found at target for $10. :-P
yes, i'm still addicted to hello kitty. sue me.
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